Monday, January 28, 2013

4th Grade Jan 28th-Feb 1st

In math we are continuing our fractions unit that we started on Friday. We are reviewing the basics of fractions, drawing pictures of fractions, and finding equivalent fractions. In writing we are writing our compare and contrast essay. We are starting the essay on Monday and it will be due on Friday. This is to be a 4 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting 2 things of the student’s choice. They should get most of it done during class this week if they are using their time wisely.

Writing: Compare and Contrast
Monday - Worksheet p-7.9
Tuesday - Math Facts
Wednesday - Math Facts
Thursday - Math Facts

5th Grade Jan 28th -Feb 1st

This week in math we are continuing to work on fractions. We will be learning about using the GCF, how to compare and order fractions, and how to write fractions in decimal form. In writing we are writing an essay about our top vacation place. Students are writing an essay to students their age convincing them to visit their favorite place to vacation.

 Daily Analogy and Daily Oral Language Week 20 (Turn In Friday)
Handwriting Week 20 (Turn In Friday)
7-9 pg. 415 #1-26
Writing - Top Vacation Place Graphic Organizer
7-10 pg. 417 #1-36
Writing- Top Vacation Place Drafting
7-11 pg. 419 #1-35
Writing- Top Vacation Place Revising
7-12 pg. 422-423 #1-36
Writing- Top Vacation Place Editing
7-13 pg. 427-429 #1-33
Writing- Top Vacation Place in My Access

This week's Info

Parent Teacher Conferences are next week! Don’t forget to sign up. My schedule has been posted on the online scheduler. Please be sure and sign up for a time with me, and a time with your student’s other teacher. The sooner you sign up the better!

Online Scheduler 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

4th Grade Jan 22-25th

In math we are finishing our division unit. We are reviewing and then taking our test on Wednesday. If your student is still having trouble with division, please help them practice before the test. We will then be starting our next unit on fractions. In writing we are starting our Compare and Contrast Unit. Students will be learning about comparing and contrasting this week and starting an essay next week. If your student did not complete and turn in their Imaginative Story yet, please make sure they get that done and turned in.

Writing: Compare and Contrast
Tuesday - Worksheet P-7.3
Wednesday - Worksheet P-7.4
Thursday - Worksheet P-7.7

5th Grade Jan 22-25th

On Tuesday we took a Cumulative Math Test covering all that students have learned so far this year. We took this test to see what students have retained. They were able to use their textbooks to help them on the test. In writing this week, their essay is about a Career Day speaker. They are deciding who they would like to come speak for Career Day, and then persuading their classmates to vote for whom they want to come and speak.

Daily Analogy and Daily Oral Language Week 19 (Turn In Friday)
Handwriting Week 19 (Turn In Friday)
Cumulative Test - No homework!
Writing- Career Day Graphic Organizer
7-5 pg. 405 #1-19
Writing- Career Day Drafting
7-7 pg. 411 #1-17
Writing- Career Day Revising/Editing
7-8 pg. 413 #1-28
Writing- Career Day in My Access