Monday, April 29, 2013

4th Grade April 29th-May 3rd

In math we are reviewing for the end of year test. We have been sending home review worksheets for homework. Please make sure that your student completes and turns in these homework sheets. I will not be able to make extra copies of these worksheets; I have already warned students of this. In Writing we are working on performing our plays. Students are in 3 groups working on 3 different plays. They are in charge of that play. They are figuring out costumes, sets, props, etc . . . All parts except for narrator parts need to be memorized. We will be performing these plays on Wednesday May 22nd. Also, please remind your student to turn in their Pourquois Tale book. I gave students extra time to finish illustrating their books, but most students have forgotten to turn this in to me. I am grading these and giving them right back to the students. They have turned out excellently! Make sure to look at your student’s book to see their wonderful creation!

Writing: Play
Monday - SR 9-4 Worksheet
Tuesday - SR 9-9 Worksheet
Wednesday - SR 9-10 Worksheet
Thursday - SR 11-1 Worksheet

5th Grade April 29-May 3rd

This week in math we will be learning about integers. These are positive and negative numbers. We will be learning how to add and subtract them, after which we will focus on reviewing for the end of the year tests. In writing we are finishing our poetry unit. Students are receiving blank books. In class they are working on writing their 10 collected poems in them as well as at least 5 of their own poems that they have written in their Poetry Notebook. They need to handwrite neatly or type, cut, and glue these 15 poems into their book. Then they need to illustrate their book. This unit, including the completed book, finished Poetry Notebook, and memorized poem, are due on Monday, May 6th. Students will then share their published books and recite their memorized poem.

 Daily Analogy and Daily Oral Language Week 32 (Turn In Friday)
Handwriting Week 32 (Turn In Friday)
12-5 pg. 714-715 #1-43, 50-53
Writing - Poetry
12-6 pg. 717 #1-27
Writing - Poetry
12-7 pg. 719 #1-26
Writing - Poetry
12-10 pg. 724-727 #1-25, 38-43
Writing - Poetry
Ch 1-3 Review pg. 190-191 #1-21
Writing - Poetry

Review Week!

Next week we will begin taking the end of year tests. Please make sure that your students get plenty of sleep and eat a good breakfast so they can do their best on the tests. We will be doing a lot of reviewing this week to prepare them for these tests. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

4th Grade April 22-26th

In math we are beginning our end of the year review. During class all week, we will be taking and going over a cumulative review test. This is just to see what students remember and what we need to review. Students will be doing lots of review problems in class and I will be working with each student to identify their needs. In writing we are finishing coloring our Pourquois Tale book. All pages need to be colored by this Friday. Then we will start working on our play.

Writing: Pourquoi Tales/Play
Monday - pg. 651 #1-10 all
Tuesday - SR 1-13 Worksheet
Wednesday - SR 8-14 Worksheet
Thursday - SR 8-10 Worksheet

5th Grade April 22-26th

This week in math we will be learning lots about equations. We will learn the properties of equality and the different inverse operations. Then we will solve and write our own equations. In writing we will finish writing our own poems. Students have started and will continue to make a collection of poems from others. Students are required to collect and rewrite at least 10 different published poems. These must be from at least 5 different sources/books. Students also need to memorize one of these poems. It must be at least 50 words long. We will also be publishing student’s written and collected poems in a book for them to keep next week. We have extended the poetry deadline so the Poetry Unit will be due on May 6th

Daily Analogy and Daily Oral Language Week 31 (Turn In Friday)
Handwriting Week 31 (Turn In Friday)
11-10 pg. 673-674 #1-31
Writing - Poetry
12-1 pg. 697-699 #1-33, 48-52
Writing - Poetry
12-2 pg. 701 #1-30
Writing - Poetry
12-3 pg. 703 #1-26
Writing - Poetry
12-4 pg. 707-709 #1-27
Writing - Poetry