Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 22 Vocabulary

Soil – the upper layer of earth
Subsoil – the middle level of soil
Bedrock – solid rock underneath the soil
Adobe – clay building material

Theocracy – a government ruled by a religious organization

Week 22

This week in reading we are working on our fluency by memorizing poems. In class, each student has picked a poem, at least 5 lines and 30 words long, and will be practicing this poem all week. On Friday, students will be reciting the poem to the entire class. We are on our 2nd week of our 1st persuasive essay for reading. Students still have this week to work on their Field Trip essay. They need to be ready to type it by this Friday. If they want to type it at home, they are welcome to. We are still working on getting students access to the writing program My Access, so while we are waiting for that, students should just type their essay into a google doc on their email/drive. This will make us able to copy and paste their essay into My Access once we can finally get in. We are also doing our class Spelling Bee this week. By Friday we will have 2 class winners who will go on to the school Spelling Bee as well as 1 alternate.

In writing we are starting our Compare and Contrast essays. We will be talking about how to compare and contrast things and students will pick what they want to compare and contrast for their essay. We have only a short time to work on this essay. This will be due next Friday.

In math we are finishing up our word problems unit. Students will be taking this test on Thursday, January 30th. Then we will begin our next unit on mixed numbers and line plots. On Thursday, students will also begin to receive worksheets for their word problems homework for a week.

In Social Studies we are finishing presenting all of our Genealogy Projects. We are also discussing what it was like at the first contact between European explorers and Native Americans.

This Week's Homework:
Monday:            Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success
                          Field Trip Essay
                           Lesson 12.9 P237
Tuesday:          Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success
                          Field Trip Essay
                           Lesson 9.5 P179
Wednesday:     Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success
                           Field Trip Essay
                           Big Book pg. 361-362
Thursday:          Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success
                           Field Trip Essay
                          Word Problems 1
Friday:              Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Persuasive Essay Homework

Persuasive Essay Homework Checklist

Using the given article, you need to write a 5 paragraph essay persuading me to believe your opinion on the article’s question. You need to start by answering the question the article asks. Come up with 3 reasons for why you think this way. Make sure that you use an example from the article to back up each of your reasons. Use the graphic organizer on the back of the article as your pre-write to help you before you write your paper. You must turn in your pre-write, your rough draft which must be edited and revised, and you must type your essay into the computer. We will have the Chromebooks in class on Fridays for you to type. You have until a week from Friday to complete this essay, about 2 weeks. This will take the place of your spelling homework each week. Each essay is worth 200 points.

To do:
·      Use the article to form your opinion and use at least one thing from the article to support each of your 3 reasons.
·      Fill out the pre-write with an introduction, conclusion, and your 3 reasons with at least 3 details/examples to support your reason.
·      Using lined paper, write a rough draft of your essay. Be sure to skip lines.
·      Edit and revise your paper for the following things:
o   Make sure your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th paragraphs all begin with a transition word. Ex first, next, then, finally, in conclusion.
o   Make sure that in your introduction and conclusion you have stated your opinion and all 3 of your reasons.
o   Make sure that paragraph 2 only talks about your 1st reason.
o   Make sure that paragraph 3 only talks about your 2nd reason.
o   Make sure that paragraph 4 only talks about your 3rd reason.
o   Make sure all of your words are spelled correctly.
o   Make sure you have complete sentences.
o   Make sure that every sentence begins with a capital and ends with the correct punctuation mark (. ! ?)
o   Do not start sentences with and or but.
o   Do not have any contractions in your essay, (can’t, shouldn’t, won’t, etc . . . )
·      At home or in class you will type your essay into My Access.
·      You need to revise your essay on My Access at least once to make it better.

·      You need to turn in your pre-write and your rough draft when you are done typing it into My Access.

Student's Pre-write

Week 21 Vocabulary

Canyon – a deep valley between mountains
Bay – a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward
Glacier – a mass of ice
Remedies – medicine or treatment of a disease

Oxen – an animal like a cow

Week 21

In reading this week we are still working on our DRAs. I hope to get every student done testing this week. We are also talking about how to use evidence in a nonfiction text to draw conclusions. For the next 8 weeks we will not be doing spelling. Instead we will be preparing for our 4th grade persuasive writing test. This year students will be taking a test around Spring Break which will be a persuasive writing assignment. To prepare students for this, instead of doing spelling homework, students will be given 2 weeks to write a persuasive essay using the article given them. This week's article and essay is answering the question, "should all field trips be educational?" Students have been given a yellow, hole-punched, cardstock sheet with the instructions for all of the essays that we will be doing for the next 8 weeks. They also have a yellow articles with their pre-write on the back to use for this week's essay. If your student looses these, you can find a copy of these on my blog.

In writing we are finishing our Imaginative stories. These are due on Friday, January 24th. They, of course, need to be re-written and turned in for a grade, as well as typed on our blog.

In math we are now going to be focusing on how to solve word problems. We will be doing all sorts of word problems and talking about how to understand/interpret a word problem. The test for this unit will be next Thursday.

In social studies we will be presenting our Genealogy Projects. Please make sure that this homework assignment gets completed! For my class it is due on January 23rd and for Miss Goldsborough's class it is due on January 24th.

Also, you should have received an emailed progress report for Language Arts and Math from me yesterday. If your student has missing assignments, PLEASE have them turn these in ASAP. Students can get their math papers from Think Central, their reading logs from class, and their spelling sorts are on my blog for you to use.

This Week's Homework:
Tuesday:          Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success
                          Field Trip Essay
                           Big Book pg. 481-482
Wednesday:     Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success
                           Field Trip Essay
                           Big Book pg. 465-466, not #8-10
                           Social Studies: Genealogy Project
Thursday:          Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success
                           Field Trip Essay
                          Big Book pg. 491, not  #3, 17, 18, 19
Friday:              Read 20 Mins
                           *Reading Log & Road to Success
                          Field Trip Essay

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 20 Vocabulary

Faded – gradually disappeared
Crisp – firm, brittle
Mask – a covering for the face
Palm – the inside of your hand
Threaded – moved carefully through